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Presentation of Oxfam Brussels

The non-profit organisation Magasins du monde Oxfam Wereldwinkel vzw/asbl (Oxfambxl) is part of Oxfam Belgium and Oxfam-Magasins du monde. Our specific situation means that we are a multilingual team (French, Dutch, English).

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Oxfam is a movement that fights against inequality and for economic justice by raising      awareness about fair trade. We do this in word and deed, respecting the limits of our planet.         We stand for a world where everyone can live with dignity and fully exercise their fundamental rights.



The autonomous association has the following missions :                                                            1. Managing a fair trade store in the heart of Brussels (Boulevard Anspach 160)

2. To offer customers a fair delivery service of our products

3. Organize awareness-raising actions on fair trade. 

We are looking for volunteers for the following roles :

  1. The sales team
    We are looking for volunteers who would like to do 4h shifts in store. Les shifts is organized as a duo from Monday to Saturday from 10h to 14h and from 14h to 18h. If a team of at least 4 volunteers wants to do 18-20h nights, it is also possible.

  2. The product management team
    We are looking for volunteers who want to participate in product management (ordering, stock management, display management and showcase)

  3. The delivery team
    We are looking for volunteers who would like to participate in the management of the delivery service. We want to strengthen our team to ensure an ideal customer service. Here are some possible tasks: managing a promotional communication, writing an offer, preparing orders, making delivery, participating in billing and customer tracking.

  4. The Educamp team
    We are looking for volunteers who would like to do awareness workshops for high schools, volunteers, customers and organizations near the store.
    Action types: organize a breakfast, organize an awareness / tasting event in store or in another organization, participate in an event, participate in the meetings of the steering committee of fair trade Commune and the platform of the fair trade region, participate in the dynamic cell of volunteers.

  5. Administrative department
    To ensure a good team cohesion we have several administrative teams. They organize the general assembly and the board of directors, support the accounting and ensure the good dynamics of volunteers.

Welcome !


To volunteer in our team, the candidate must have the following qualities :

  • Have affinities in one of the roles presented above.

  • Have curiosity to learn about fair trade.

  • Love teamwork.

  • Speak at least one of the three languages and have the curiosity to speak to others.

  • Want to commit at least for a year, 4 hours a week.

For specific tasks, a payment per day is possible.

​=> Regular updating of our profiles:

Interested ?

Please get in touch with our coordinator by sending your motivations by email to and by calling him within 48 hours if you do not have an answer +32 (0)470 74 03 98 / 02 511 75 29


Boulevard Anspach, 160

1000 Brussels, Belgium


Opening hours

Open from monday till saturday

from 10h00 - 18h00


T: (+32) 02 511 75 29



VAT N° BE0460710903



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Disclaimer       © 2021-2022 - Oxfam Wereldwinkel – Magasin du Monde – Oxfam Brussels

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